Saturday, 7 July 2012

It's easy to live under whatever conditions you do,because it's what you're used to. There are generations of people who you find having lived a certain way so you don't wanna rock the boat. The truth is change isn't inevitable,it has to be created by why not you? You're not happy with where you are, but you're too afraid to change. That's one of the major problems with Botswana and the world at large. We accept that certain people are born to inherit success,while everyone else is left fighting for scraps and leftovers? That's some bullshit and you know it. Change doesn't mean rioting or mass protests, it just starts with YOU. One person deciding that they're not going to take what is given but reach their full potential by trying their hardest. Change is making Afrika great by being a great Afrikan, speaking up and telling the truth;looking past the bullshit. I believe I live in a country that has the most potential of any place on this earth,on a continent that is on the forefront of where the future of this planet will be and what it will be. I refuse to be told I can't be what I want to be because I have the wrong last name or don't follow the right political party. I can be the change and so can you,just by refusing to be denied your dreams. Change is painful,but it's worth the pain to change your city,country,continent and the world so that we can all at least have a fair shake at achieving our dreams.Be the change, y'all...B.

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